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Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Hey , folks . How are you all going on with your life ?
Is life easy to go through ?
Some people would say it easy but majority say it is hard . Well , for my own opinion life is moderate .
It is hard and easy sometimes . Some activities in life is like a child's play when you know how to play your role in life . It gets hard when you have nowhere and guide from others and to be calm when obstacles comes . The key to be successful in life is to be calm and be kind-hearted . You may say I am right for saying being calm but you may not agree what i say to be kind-hearted .
Being calm is to cold down your 'machine' in your body not to overloaded . From the knowledge of biology , our adrenal will secrete adrenocotochotrophic hormone to secret adrenal gland to our kidney and to let us do something which is impossible , for another word it is called miracle . Why is miracle happening ? Miracle happen when only you have a kind-heart . Let me give you some example . From what I heard from my teachers , they told me about a news . One day , a plane put down a bomb which is heavy . Out of the blue , a guy using one hand or both hand which has stopped the bomb to the drop and explode . Isn't that a miracle ? This is proven by the scientist that it is causes by adrenal gland , yellow in colour , which can increase our heartbeat to give more energy to do something . It happens when we are in a fight-and-flight condition .

Why do we have to be kind-hearted ? Do you believe or not ? If you be kind , kind people will approach you and bad people would leave you . You may strongly oppose this . Because you're not kind enough . If you say I am kind already but why I'm still being cheated by people . My answer to you will be you're not kind enough . What is kind , may I ask you this question ? Kind has many ways . Kind can be in physical and mental . But most probably , people only show their kind physically but not mentally . Only if you are kind mentally , those people would leave you . I mean the bad people . God would never make your life miserable . Only you make your life miserable . It's hard to change everyone to be kind because the society right now has become dark . Everyday there is inclement whether and good whether . But both never last long , why ? Let me ask you , will you always be the same person until you died ? Maybe you can and I can but not everyone can . Have you see the difference . Little amount of people could stay to be in their own position . I mean in their mentally . I don't mind that we work in a company and the manager is old and stand down his post to a new manager who is going to take his place and play his role . Bad people would never last long , good people would never last long too .

Many people wish people to treat them sincere but they may not treat people sincerely but they treat people NICE with a TARGET . They can easily throw you which means you will lose your trust and heart once or twice . But people , Life is like a game . Love is a game of gamble so does life . Don't you tell me that you don't gamble in life in which you don't think that you will die any second . You will always take a beat and try . Nothing in life is never a trying . If you never try you never know . If it is good , continue and if it is bad stop it immediately . Usually this is use in habits . Throw away our bad habits but maintain our good habit . It's not easy to judge ourselves but it is easy to judge others , right ? So be nice and kind from your heart and not from your look .

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